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The Fall Of The Dungeon Guardians


Enter a big, massive dungeon, full of danger, mystery and secrets. Fight your way through hordes of enemies and powerful creatures. Explore intricate corridors, underground palaces, mines fallen into oblivion and evil crypts. Solve puzzles, avoid deadly traps, uncover hidden passages, and keep your bearing through mazes & hallways.

While The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians is clearly an indie effort, it does a lot of what fans of the dungeon crawling genre look for. With a lot of exploration, deep character progression to sink your teeth into, and a nice twist on the typical combat one finds in these types of games, this is a game that is worth looking at twice.

The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians

So first and foremost, the familiar. As with most dungeon crawlers, you have a first-person view of the world as your party moves about a dungeon that is broken up into a grid of squares. Mapping is something of a mix between modern gaming conventions (as in: more forgiving) and classic (as in: more punishing). When you enter a new dungeon level, you have no real means of mapping it at first. You have to find the map and then it automatically shows you where you have been. Additionally, there is usually a second, more detailed map that can be found that shows you everything, secrets and all, but it is usually much harder to find. So you will have good navigation skills for a good part of each level, which brings to mind days with classic titles such as Wizardry and Ultima: Exodus, where a pad of graph paper was all but mandatory to make progress.

The narrative, as is often the case for games like this, starts simply enough. Your primary character is a new member of the guards tasked with keeping peace inside a dungeon prison underground. Of course, your very first night there, chaos breaks out and the warden hauls arse out of the dungeon and basically leaves you in charge to figure things out. That is when you encounter other similarly green soldiers such as yourself that can be recruited into your party. You can run with a one that is already assembled from pre-generated characters, but I love customising my own characters in RPGs, so I went that route.

The story serves as more of a backdrop, never really becoming a focal point in your actions, but the overall combat and sense of exploration provide exactly what fans of the dungeon crawling genre look for. With mod and map editing support, there are options to expand upon the base game, which is always nice to see for those looking for more beyond the core game. The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians offers up familiarity while still managing to work in some new wrinkles for the genre and is a welcome addition to the genre, despite some of its other shortcomings.

The adventure on its own is amazing, as the game manages to offer you a massive dungeon and a whole bunch of enemies to kill. You can also create alliances with plenty of people, something that will make the game a lot easier, and that on its own can really take the experience to new heights.

The variety of locations here is amazing, because you go from corridors to underground places or even evil crypts. This title also has some great puzzles, and there are plenty of them to choose from, each with a variety of mechanics that you can try out as you see fit.For example, you have a quest where you need to find a legendary set, and that is found under a tomb. In order to access that specific door you will need a key that can be found way over on the other side of the dungeon. The ability to explore the game world is quite interesting, but seamlessly integrating portions of the world in the story and puzzles makes the game a lot more interesting and fun for me.

Rozhodnete-li se pro The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians, volíte dílo, které kvalitu klasických dungeonů, dnes reprezentovaných třeba dvěma díly Legend of Grimrock, nepřekonává. Hra nepřichází s ničím mimořádným, čím by vzdala hold letitým žánrovým základům, ale na druhou stranu: být géniem nadprůměrnosti také není tak málo.

The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians slibuje po všech stránkách solidní herní představení. Po většinu času sympaticky napodobuje klasickou náturu starých dungeonů a navíc se profiluje jako velmi univerzální dílo. Na tradiční žánrové prvky a lákadla totiž roubuje některá ne zcela typická pravidla, s nimiž dokáže vystoupit z davu.

Hra však přináší nejen podhoubí pro nezaměnitelnou atmosféru, ale i klasickou směs dungeonovské hratelnosti. Díky ní budete nejen ustavičně hledat cestu dál (a také zpátky), ale zároveň řešit hádanky, hledat k nim pomyslné či skutečné klíče, objevovat skryté poklady a hlavně bojovat, což se neobjede jednak bez tradičního řinčení mečů, ale i všeho, co s bojem přímo či nepřímo souvisí. Ať už jde o budování zkušeností, hltání posilujících lektvarů, neustálé vylepšování zbroje, nebo management zásob a taktiky.

Díky taktické pauze jsou souboje mnohem všestrannější než jak bývalo a je v žánru dungeonů zvykem. Už nejde jen o to přesně útočit a rychle se vyhýbat protiútokům. Nyní lze ze soubojů vytvořit doslova taktické hody. Je opravdu radost zastavit čas, naplánovat sérii útočných a podpůrných akcí vůči konkrétním schopnostem protivníků, a pak se znovu ocitnout v realitě a sledovat koncert spuštěných manévrů.

Fall of the Dungeon Guardians může oslovit nejenom skalní fanoušky dungeonů, ale také část současné hráčské generace, která překousne počáteční nesnáze všeho druhu, omluví lehce monotónní prostředí i děj a zvykne si na specifický druh ovládání.

Camminare in un dungeon pieno di trabocchetti, mostri e tesori è un grande classico dei videogiochi che risale a un'epoca in cui ci si ispirava ai grandi classici del gioco di ruolo per unire due mondi che spesso condividevano lo stesso pubblico. Di solito questi giochi sfruttavano una visuale esterna o un punto di vista dell'eroe di turno. Grandi classici come Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder e Double Dungeon si basano su questa seconda scelta e, nonostante rimangano dei grandi classici, non crediamo di fare un reato di lesa maestà se dichiariamo che la prima persona forse non è il modo più piacevole per muoversi all'interno di labirinti angusti. Questo non gli ha impedito di diventare un sottogenere amatissimo dai cultori dei giochi di ruolo che continuano ad apprezzarli, nonostante il mondo dei videogiochi sia passato ad esperienze differenti e un po' meno macchinose. Tuttavia, il successo e l'affetto dimostrato per giochi come Legends of Grimrock dimostrano che c'è ancora ampio spazio per chi volesse attualizzarne grafica e idee con un pizzico di nostalgia, ed è esattamente ciò che i Mana Games hanno fatto con The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians.

Essendo un titolo indipendente ambientato in un dungeon, The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians non offre molti panorami con cui rinfrancare la vista. Questo non vuol dire che sia un gioco visivamente brutto, ma diciamo che si attesta nella media della sua categoria, senza brillare particolarmente per la propria bellezza.

Anche i nemici non sono poi moltissimi, visto che avremo a che fare con scheletri di vario tipo, ratti giganti e poco di più; solo i quindici ricercati offriranno un tocco di novità. Fortunatamente per orientarsi esiste un sistema di mappe molto particolare. In ogni livello c'è una mappa "base" che ci permette di capire quali stanze abbiamo già visitato, e una "speciale" che contiene tutti i segreti sparsi in giro per stanze e corridoi. Ovviamente la seconda è molto più difficile da raggiungere. L'unico vero difetto di questo titolo è che alla lunga la banalità degli ambienti potrebbe stancare, d'altronde parliamo di un titolo che può tranquillamente occupare circa 30 ore del vostro tempo, però è anche vero che gli appassionati del genere sanno benissimo a cosa vanno incontro. I dungeon crawler si chiamano così perché si esplorano ambienti chiusi e angusti, non sono realizzati per chi vuole fare una passeggiata in un campo di fiori. Anche l'interfaccia non è proprio il massimo. I tasti sono tutti molto piccoli e nella concitazione del momento può capitare di sbagliare qualche clic. Per raccogliere gli oggetti bisogna avvicinarsi, guardarli, trascinarli in una borsa e poi rimettere a posto la visuale e non esiste un tasto per girarsi di 180. Sono piccolezze che non intaccano la solidità complessiva del gioco, ma che possono dar fastidio sul lungo termine.

Moments after being reunited with the girls, Dave collapses to the floor. The resurrection spell that brought Dave back from the dead was incredibly taxing and Dimitri, the cleric that performed the spell, tells Meme and Gallexsy that Dave must rest for a couple of days. Dimitri offers the temple as a place for him to rest. While Dave rests, Dimitri asks the girls if they would be willing to do a favor for him, and if so he would be willing to refund the 2,000 gold donation they gave for the resurrection services. The favor that Dimitri asks is for Gallexsy and Meme to go down under the temple into the dark dungeons. In these dungeons a knight named Sir Wyatt Clas took a group of soldiers to root out some trouble. Dimitri is not exactly sure what is down there, he just knows that Wyatt is long overdue.

Gallexsy uses dimension door to transport everyone back inside the castle walls where the jet was last seen. However, in doing so she had to transport everyone in her unicorn butt backpack again, and was not able to bring her pet golem Boom along in the spell. Back in the castle, Gallexsy quickly hops over the wall, twisting her ankle from the fall, and runs back to get Boom. Boom charges through the town towards her master, easily deflecting the non-magical attacks from the gnolls.

The group leaps off of their griffins and aim their bodies towards the castle grounds just as the sun is starting to rise. Just feet away from slamming into the ground, Gallexsy casts feather fall and they all land softly on the ground, safely behind the castle walls. 2ff7e9595c

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