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Hacking de aplicaciones web sql injection pdf: guía completa para dominar la inyección SQL


Las aplicaciones web modernas tienen un rol muy importante en todas las organizaciones. Pero si la organización no tiene la capacidad de evaluar y asegurar adecuadamente sus aplicaciones web, los ciberatacantes podrían comprometer estas aplicaciones, afectando el funcionamiento normal de la empresa, como también robar datos sensibles. Desafortunadamente muchas organizaciones operan bajo la errónea percepción, de un escáner de seguridad para aplicaciones web es la manera más fiable de descubrir fallas en sus sistemas. Las ciberdefensas modernas requieren una comprensión realista y profunda de los problemas de seguridad relacionadas con la aplicación web. Cualquiera puede aprender a realizar algunos tipos de ataques contra la web, pero una prueba de penetración efectiva contra aplicaciones web requiere un conocimiento más profundo.

Hacking de aplicaciones web sql injection pdf

Este curso enseña a los participantes a entender las principales fallas encontradas en las aplicaciones web, como también a identificar y explotarlas con el propósito de demostrar el potencial impacto hacia la empresa. Los profesionales en seguridad de la información frecuentemente se esfuerzan en ayudar a las organizaciones a entender su riesgo en términos de la empresa. Ejecutar elaborados e impresionantes ataques tiene poco valor si la organización no toma en serio su riesgo, y despliega las medidas correctivas adecuadas. El propósito de este curso es mejorar la seguridad de las organizaciones a través de una prueba de penetración, y no solo demostrar las habilidades de Hacking. Este curso ayuda a los participantes a demostrar el verdadero impacto de las fallas en las aplicaciones web, no únicamente a través de la explotación, sino también a través de una adecuada documentación y reporte.

Injection occurs when an attacker exploits insecure code to insert (or inject) their own code into a program. Because the program is unable to determine code inserted in this way from its own code, attackers are able to use injection attacks to access secure areas and confidential information as though they are trusted users. Examples of injection include SQL injections, command injections, CRLF injections, and LDAP injections.

Using command injection against the Mutillidae web application, we gain a root shell (Administrative Windows cmd shell). The server is fully patched with anti-virus running and a firewall blocking port 23. Additionally the telnet service is disabled. With the command injection vulnerability, this video demonstrates how misconfiguring web services can have serious consequences for security. Additionally we review how to remediate command injection vulnerabilities and discuss some of the defects which expose the server to compromise.

The codelab is organized by types of vulnerabilities. In eachsection, you'll find a brief description of a vulnerability and a taskto find an instance of that vulnerability in Gruyere. Your job is toplay the role of a malicious hacker and find and exploit the securitybugs. In this codelab, you'll use both black-box hacking and white-boxhacking. In black box hacking, you try to find security bugs byexperimenting with the application and manipulating input fields andURL parameters, trying to cause application errors, and looking at theHTTP requests and responses to guess server behavior. You do not haveaccess to the source code, although understanding how to view sourceand being able to view http headers (as you can in Chrome orLiveHTTPHeaders for Firefox) is valuable. Using a web proxylike Burpor ZAP may be helpful in creating or modifyingrequests. In white-box hacking, you have access to the sourcecode and can use automated or manual analysis to identify bugs. Youcan treat Gruyere as if it's open source: you can read through thesource code to try to find bugs. Gruyere is written in Python, sosome familiarity with Python can be helpful. However, the securityvulnerabilities covered are not Python-specific and you can do most ofthe lab without even looking at the code. You can run a local instanceof Gruyere to assist in your hacking: for example, you can create anadministrator account on your local instance to learn howadministrative features work and then apply that knowledge to theinstance you want to hack. Security researchers use both hackingtechniques, often in combination, in real life.

e.g Injecting into the class constructor, which makes writing unit test simpler. It is recommended if instances of the class will be created using dependency injection (e.g. MVC controllers). The below example shows logging of all unsuccessful log in attempts.

Llevo ya dos décadas "trasteando" con ordenadores y sigo aprendiendo cada día cosas nuevas. Me siento afortunado de poder dedicarme profesionalmente al mundo de la seguridad informática y me gustaría enseñar esta pasión a otras personas que quieran asumir el reto de dedicarse a esto, es por ello que comparto en este espacio lo que voy aprendiendo. El hacking es una filosofía de vida y a diferencia de lo que muchos podrían pensar, creo que no solamente va de "romper sistemas", explotar vulnerabilidades, securizar servidores o de "ser un crack", con lo que sea que signifique eso. El hacking va de resiliencia, propósito, perspectiva, acción y voluntad. El hacking es como todo aquello que merece la pena en la vida, un camino difícil y lleno de dificultades que solamente los más valientes se atreven a seguir. No olvides disfrutar del paisaje.

The database is often the most crucial part of any web application since it contains state that can't be easily restored. It can contain crucial and sensitive customer information that must be protected. It is the data that drives the application and runs the business. So you would expect developers to take the most care when interacting with their database, and yet injection into the database tier continues to plague the modern web application even though it's relatively easy to prevent!

The final "--" comments out the remainder of the original query, ensuring the SQL syntax is valid. Et voila, the DROP is executed. This attack vector allows the user to execute arbitrary SQL within the context of the application's database user. In other words, the attacker can do anything the application can do and more, which could result in attacks that cause greater harm than a DROP, including violating data integrity, exposing sensitive information or inserting executable code. Later we will talk about defining different users as a secondary defense against this kind of mistake, but for now, suffice to say that there is a very simple application-level strategy for minimizing injection risk.

Sometimes we encounter situations where there is tension between good security and clean code. Security sometimes requires the programmer to add some complexity in order to protect the application. In this case however, we have one of those fortuitous situations where good security and good design are aligned. In addition to protecting the application from injection, introducing bound parameters improves comprehensibility by providing clear boundaries between code and content, and simplifies creating valid SQL by eliminating the need to manage the quotes by hand.

There is a misconception that stored procedures prevent SQL injection, but that is only true insofar as parameters are bound inside the stored procedure. If the stored procedure itself does string concatenation it can be injectable as well, and binding the variable from the client won't save you.

Similarly, object-relational mapping frameworks like ActiveRecord, Hibernate, or .NET Entity Framework, won't protect you unless you are using binding functions. If you are building your queries using untrusted input without binding, the app still could be vulnerable to an injection attack.

Finally, there is a misconception that NoSQL databases are not susceptible to injection attack and that is not true. All query languages, SQL or otherwise, require a clear separation between executable code and content so the execution doesn't confuse the command from the parameter. Attackers look for points in the runtime where they can break through those boundaries and use input data to change the intended execution path. Even Mongo DB, which uses a binary wire protocol and language-specific API, reducing opportunities for text-based injection attacks, exposes the "$where" operator which is vulnerable to injection, as is demonstrated in this article from the OWASP Testing Guide. The bottom line is that you need to check the data store and driver documentation for safe ways to handle input data.

Puede utilizarse para encontrar SQL injection, header injection, directory listing, shell injection, cross site scripting, file inclusion y otras vulnerabilidades de aplicaciones web. Esta herramienta también se puede ampliar usando una potente API escrita en JavaScript.

SQLMap es una herramienta popular de test de penetración. Automatiza el proceso de encontrar y explotar la vulnerabilidad de SQL injection en la base de datos de un sitio web. Tiene un poderoso motor de detección y muchas características útiles.

Soporta un alto rango de servidores de bases de datos incluyendo MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, IBM DB2, SQLite, Firebird, Sybase y SAP MaxDB. Ofrece soporte completo a 6 tipos de técnicas de SQL injection: time-based blind, boolean-based blind, error-based, UNION query, stacked queries y out-of-band.

No es muy rápido en comparación con otros escáneres, pero es simple y portátil. Yo lo usaría sólo para probar aplicaciones web pequeñas, ya que toma demasiado tiempo explorar aplicaciones grandes.

Ratproxy es también una herramienta de auditoria para aplicaciones web que puede utilizarse para encontrar vulnerabilidades de seguridad. Es compatible con entornos Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS y Windows (Cygwin).

Esta herramienta ha sido diseñada para proporcionar un entorno para realizar test de penetración. Esta herramienta puede detectar varias vulnerabilidades de seguridad en aplicaciones web como SQL Injection, XSS, Local File inclusion, remote file inclusion, unvalidated redirect, etc. 2ff7e9595c

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