When capital punishment was reinstated in 1916, records were kept of those sentenced to death by the warden in an "official ledger" that accounted the name, crime, and the time of death of the 125 executed in Tennessee. From 1916 to 1960, all executions took place at the Tennessee State Penitentiary located in Nashville. Tennessee's first execution in nearly 40 years took place April 19, 2000 at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution where Robert Glen Coe was executed by lethal injection.
Capital punishment, death penalty or execution is considered as the infliction of death upon a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offence. Crimes that result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes. Death penalties are enforced on people who have performed profound malpractices and crimes.
essay on capital punishment in pakistan
The idea of capital punishment derives from the tribal concept of blood revenge, which was later reflected in the religious scriptures that prescribe that the deprivation of human life is appropriate as asymmetrical justice, i.e. life for a life. The idea of capital punishment derives from the tribal concept of blood revenge, which was later reflected in the religious scriptures that prescribe that the deprivation of human life is appropriate as asymmetrical justice, i.e. life for a life.
Researcher Ehrlich ( Radelet and Akers, 69) conducted a regression analysis of social factors affecting homicide and designed a mathematical model of the relationship between capital punishment and the number of slaughters in the territorial unit. In fact, the study found almost no correlation between death penalty practice and homicide rates, these variables seemed to great extent independent from one another. This study is often used as an argument in favor of a life sentence.
Thus, capital punishment is a debatable measure, which can be nowadays administered only in cases of cruel or serial murders, since this practice is justified statistically, ethically, and economically. It allows saving human lives, material assets of the government as is believed by the American society to re-establish justice. However, it is important to warn against executing innocents and develop a detailed and transparent procedure of investigation that would allow drawing the right verdict and determining the appropriate punitive measure.
So where does Pakistan stand today in terms of capital punishment?Our country needs to be studied. No other country in the world has had [such a] trajectory with respect to the imposition of capital punishment. I think it is an amazing case study on what is possible, what can go wrong, and what can go right just from looking at the past 13 years.
And sometimes, even when you lose on the way to litigating, you have some other gains that can procedurally benefit people across the board. That's our methodology. In that, we need to have a yardstick of the kind of cases that we take, so number one is capital crimes because the standard for the most vulnerable facing the harshest punishment.
Then, it has to be extreme sentences, so it has to be the death penalty or something right below it. Usually, with the largest reported death row in the world, we have our hands full with capital cases, but we also represent overseas Pakistani prisoners facing harsh punishments because their vulnerability is extreme as well.
Religious tolerance. Some critics say that Muslim-led states that follow sharia are particularly intolerant of nonbelievers or those who practice other religions. Scholars say that this intolerance largely stems from premodern restrictions applied to non-Muslim minorities in Muslim lands, which were supported by certain hadiths later introduced into the Muslim canon that recommend the death penalty for Muslims who commit apostasy. Nigeria and Pakistan have carried out capital punishment for blasphemy and apostasy, as did Sudan for many years.
While the methods in this tool are applicable beyond the scope of capital punishment, for the 19th World Day Against the Death Penalty, Reprieve and the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty have drafted this How-To on engaging the United Nations (UN) Special Procedures for elevating cases pertaining to women who have been sentenced to the death penalty.
This groundbreaking report aims to bridge critical gaps in understanding of how states apply capital punishment from a gender perspective. This study is the first to examine how and when women receive death sentences and the conditions under which they are detained on death row, with a particular focus on India, Indonesia, Jordan, Malawi, Pakistan and the United States. The conclusions are that gender discrimination is pervasive at all stages of capital cases, but that its operation is complex. Report published by Cornell Center on the Death Penalty Worldwide with the support of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Having access to qualified and effective representation at all stages of a trial is important to ensure due process and can spell the difference between life and death for people facing capital punishment.
Death sentence being one of the harshest punishments known to man has taken a gradual humanized change over the years. Being a mode of punishment prominently followed in most parts of the world has now been abolished in many countries because of a wave of abolishment initiated a few decades back. India seems to be stuck between the global trend to end death penalty and the nations that is still follow. It has taken a very safe ground by giving a minimal provision and leaving it to the discretion of the judiciary to award the punishment in special circumstances. The aim of this paper is to analyze whether capital punishment should be banned or not? While considering the historical as well as present scenario of capital punishment and comparing with other countries where it has been abolished. Get Help With Your EssayIf you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help!
However, certain crimes are so grave in the consideration of aw that the criminals do not deserve a chance at life. Such humans can turn into regular offenders and devastate the world causing immense destruction to society. Hence, capital punishment is the only way. Additionally, intentionally devious crimes that cause the loss of innocent life need to be punished accordingly. The law believes in providing a reformation opportunity. But, in certain cases, the insanity level of the convicts is such that Death Penalty seems to be the only way out.
India has a provision for Death Penalty or Capital punishment. There are fixed offences that are considered for such penalties. These are known as capital offences. Capital Punishment is applied when the offender commits Treason, Mutiny, Fabrication of evidence in order to save a convict of a capital offence, Presentation of false evidence that results in the death of a person, Murder, Attempted Murder by serving life convict, Kidnapping, Rapes resulting in the death of the victim, Rape causing a vegetative state of the victim, Rape or Gangrape of a child below 12 years, a repeat offender of the crime of Rape, Abetment of the suicide of child or insane person, or Dacoity with murder. No one except the President of India can reverse the decision of Capital Punishment if taken by the Supreme Court.
Many people believe that death penalty is necessary to keep security system efficient in the society. While there are some negative aspects of capital punishment, I agree with the view that without it we will become more vulnerable to violence.
However, I believe that capital punishment is necessary in the society. Firstly, it is an effective deterrent of major crimes. The best method to prevent a person from committing crime is to show the consequences of his or her actions. For example, the government of Pakistan has controlled the rate of terrorism by enforcing death penalties for the members of terrorist organisations. Secondly, the governments spend large sums of national budget on maintenance of prisoners. Instead, this money can be used for the development of the society and welfare of the people.
To sum up, although capital punishment has some disadvantages, I think that it proves to be the best way of controlling criminals, lessening governmental expenses and preventing other people from doing crimes.
During the colonial era, laws related to the death penalty were primarily influenced by the European system. The practice of capital punishment was brought in by the European settlers who came to the American continent. However, the entire sentiments towards capital punishment have undergone a series of changes throughout history.
Although some states removed capital punishment by the mid-nineteenth Century, the Progressive Period had already started in the 1st half of the Century. While six states had outlawed the death penalty by 1917, the reforms did not last long.
The following decades, however, saw a steep decline in the number of executions and reduced support for Capital Punishment. The number of people in support of capital punishment had come down to 42% by the year 1966, forcing a moratorium being placed by the Supreme Court in 1970. But this was again reversed after four years.
Despite upholding the death penalty by the Supreme Court, there has been a consistent effort to restrict its use at only the state and federal levels. For instance, in 2002, the Supreme Court prohibited the death penalty in case of mentally challenged criminals. A law followed this in 2008, which restricted capital punishment in cases where victims did not die. Several states have enacted restrictions on the death penalty, while some have slowed their speed of executions. Some states have even abolished capital punishments and favored life sentences. Some states where the death penalty is legal include Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, etc.
Law students need to know about death penalty laws to understand how it was meted out. In a law school, reading history and understanding the history behind such laws gives an idea about the basis and why capital punishment exists. 2ff7e9595c